Feeling overwhelmed and in need of someone to help you sort out a path forward? We may get sideswiped by a tragedy or stressful event. We get frozen and overwhelmed, with worries and anxiety piling up. The reality is that so much in our world is out of our hands. Pinpointing where WE can affect things, where our power lies, is the challenge. Therapy can help change anger, blame, and feeling helpless, into an actual plan to make things better.  

Sometimes we just need to learn how to balance and improve our reactions to the difficulties we experience. The goal is to help you gain the skills of self-analysis, conscious functioning, emotional regulation, and focusing towards thoughts that are productive (and away from those that spiral us into negative emotion). When these habits are formed, you can coach yourself, manage the ups and downs with a little more grace and, if needed, humility.  

I know what it is like to get past and heal from adverse childhood events, trauma, addiction, loss. Though it is hard to find space for therapy, spending time focused on your own self-improvement or recovery is always time well spent.